Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hey yall,
I have been sick for like over a week now and I wen to the Dr. yesterday only to be told i have allergies. ;( I paist so that I can get told that LOL! But the upside to this is that he prescribed Nasonex and told me about a $15.00 coupon that I can print from there website. I am the coupon queen. I have been saving 20-30 bucks a week on groceries and household items like laundry detergent and toilet paper using coupons. So I had to tell you aobut this $15.00 dollar coupn. My medicine would have been $30.00 without it. I paid $15.00 and I must say within 30 minutes of taking the medicine I started feeling much better. I could actually taste my food. So incase you get prescribed Nasonex go to their website and print out the coupon. I filled my medication at HEB.


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