Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Roses/chinese lilys/dasies

I made these boquets too

Timothy hit his first pinata

Mi Familia

Wedding Flowers by Fem

Just turned in finals

I just got done with another set of finals. I don't realize the stress I am under until I take a week off of school. I feel like a robot. All get to really read is school stuff and I feel like it's work, school,home, work, school, home. It feels good to take a little break. I must say I have been in dior need of one. I am reading the book of Daniel right now and am enjoying reading other things besides school work. I have started some of the reading on my new classes though. I thought it would be helpful to get a head for when I start. Five more classes and I am done! Not bad for turning 30 huh! LOL! I am on count down right now.

Friday, June 25, 2010

King David and King Solomon-What I learned

Okay.... so.... I have been reading on King David and on King Solomon in the bible. King David definitly experienced many different things in his life. So did King Solomon. My heart is filled with the desire to stay away from sin. I believe that is why we can use King David as a prime example. He was an extroridany leader that was chosen at a young age. He developed into the person God wanted him to be. He was a man after God's own heart. He made some major mistakes though. He committed murder, adultry made mistakes in his marrige (s) and as a parent. He was a soldier and a king. He knew how to live without and was familiar with the luxuray of living with. My heart wants to burst as I read about his life. The great thing is that he left this earth fulfilling all he could and he left a set place (the kingdom) for his son King Solomon to take over. I wish I could put into words all the things that I feel from reading this portion of the bible. I feel warned, encouraged, sad, confident, grieved, all at the same time. One can learn many things from this great man's life. I encourage you to learn from his mistakes and also from his great victories. There is plenty for us to learn from.
Okay.... let's talk about King Solomon. King Solomon was the wealthiest King that lived and was full of wisdom that people from all over wanted to hear. Unfortunately he ended up straying away from God because he began to worship the God's of his wives. The bible says he liked foreign women and they seduced him into worshiping those God's. Because of his decisions the kingdom would be taken from him. The lord allowed only one portion to remain to honor all King David did. It breaks my heart to read that he could have strayed away the way he did. Especially because he was so wise and had all he needed an more. It goes to show you that non of us are exempt and we should constantly evaluate our hearts. If anything that is what I am doing. Evaluating my heart and seeking God to guide me an my family. It made me think about my marriage, future and my son. I want only God's best for my marriage and for my son. Lord, help us to full fill all of your will; not just a piece of it. Thank you for your revelation from this portion of your word. May you strengthen other's marriages and all the parents and there children. We love you and we praise you lord. Help us to stay close to you. In Jesus name. Amen.


I got through my finals. Thank God! I am in my second week of my new classes and am starting to see the end of the tunnel. I passed one of my finals with a perfect score. Impressive right! Yeah, I think it's pretty cool too! I really think my instructor liked my style of writing! I do feel that I right pretty good in first person (just don't pay attention to my grammar mistakes) LOL! So now I am taking Religions of the World and How Public Policy was developed in Human Services. So far so good but I am not digging the beliefs of Indigenous people. I am looking forward to learning more about Jewish beliefs though. I will let you know how it goes.

Priscillas Graduation

What can I say I have been pretty busy since the beginning of this month. Now a day's every ones middle name should be "BUSY" right. LOL! My little sisters graduation was nice. It was great to see her FINALLY graduate. I think my mom is still lost in amazement that her youngest daughter did in fact graduate. It is a true miracle if you know my little sister and all she has been through. Now, I just pray that she goes into the woman's home and gets a hold of God.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

My sister is here!

My sister has made it into town but I have not seen her yet. I can't wait to see her and her girls! Tonight my little sister is graduating and we are so exicted for her!!!! I will give you all the details later...... :)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The day after Memorial Day

What can I say I am tired today! I think I over did it this weekend. I cleaned the entire house and washed my comforters. I cleaned the house only for my sister and her kiddos to come destroy it. They are visiting this week and from the moment they walk in the door and drop all there luggage on the floor my house gets destroyed. LOL! It's okay though cuz the company is great! So like I was saying I cleaned (rearranged the guest room) and then went to the laundry mat, walmart, and grocery store. By the time I got home it was 8:00 p.m. and by the time I fed Tim, put all the grocery's away and put Tim to bed it was 9:30 p.m. Then I decided to start painting my bathroom. I don't know why but I did. After I was tired of painting I still needed to do home work and did not go to bet until 1:30 a.m. I repeated that from Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. I must admit that I am a bit cranky because of it. I am planning on taking a nap during lunch today.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Ready for Memorial Day????

I don't know about you but I am so ready for this weekend. I have finals coming up next week and I am going to try and relax as much as I can this weekend. You know "relax" in between doing all of those things that I can't get done during the week like grocery shopping, cleaning, laundry (finished it last night) .... and the list goes on an on. And home work time. What home work time? My schedule revolves around Tim. He's the boss! LOL! Well, at least he is a cute boss. Oh..... wait........ I have one other boss! Ray! LOL!!!! Well, at least he is a cute boss too. So I am gonna do my best to relax any chance I get. I also gotta get ready for my big sister to come down and visit. She should arrive Wed. I am so looking foward to seeing her and all my nieces. Can't wait for Tim to have a cousing to play with. So, I will let you know how this weekend goes.
:) FEM

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hey yall,
I have been sick for like over a week now and I wen to the Dr. yesterday only to be told i have allergies. ;( I paist so that I can get told that LOL! But the upside to this is that he prescribed Nasonex and told me about a $15.00 coupon that I can print from there website. I am the coupon queen. I have been saving 20-30 bucks a week on groceries and household items like laundry detergent and toilet paper using coupons. So I had to tell you aobut this $15.00 dollar coupn. My medicine would have been $30.00 without it. I paid $15.00 and I must say within 30 minutes of taking the medicine I started feeling much better. I could actually taste my food. So incase you get prescribed Nasonex go to their website and print out the coupon. I filled my medication at HEB.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010


It's that time of the month again. Mother nature is paying me a visit and it is not so pleasant. How many of you ladies agree that there should be law that gives us extra sick time? How many men do you think would go to work while they are on their period? My vote is ZERO. I don't think they can handle it. Of course I would rather be in my PJ's at home on the couch chillin. But if I was at home I most likley would be cleaning or cooking so maybe it is a good thing that I am at work. But I still think that women should get at least three extra days a month off of work when mother nature is visiting. Does anyone feel my pain?

Milk shake for breakfast!

So yesterday and today I have had milk shakes for breakfast. A little calcium, potassium (from the bananas) and ton's of antioxidants from the strawberries. Usually I would be like no, no, no,.... because I like a hearty breakfast but I must say that yesterday I stayed full until lunch time with no hunger pains. So it's a good way to get some vitamins but still be full. Let me know if you try it.

This morning I had 2 bananas/ 3 strawberries /1 cup of milk/ and a few cubes of ice
toss it in the blender and get yourself a big cup with a straw and instant healthy, hearty breakfast.

Saving on Gas!

Well, I woke up a little later than usual. My neighboor is watching Tim until Tomorrow. It is nice to be able to just run him down the street. Plus it saves us a ton on gas. We have been driving to Manchaca from our house (almost in webberville) since Tim was 2 months old. It was well worth it because Olga feeds him organic foods and he has tons of fun with Alyia (Maria's daughter) They are best buds and act like brother and sister. Anyhooo.... I got to sleep till 7:00 a.m. wich is heaven when you wake up at 6:00 okay 6:30. ;) I was able to wash the dishes, Tim ate breakfast, and I got to blow dry my hair wich never happens. Olga has sold her house and is in the middle of moving. She will be living with her daughter until the lord gives her a new home. It's going to be such a gas saver on both our big un economic cars.

Monday, May 24, 2010

My work

Why am I in school?

I have two assignments that were due yesterday and I still have not worked on them. I decided to start my blog instead. It seems to help me relieve stress and get away for a few minutes. Does anyone want to help me with my homework? Sometimes I wonder what I was thinking but the reward will come when I receive my degree. The other reward will come when I can tell Timothy "son you need to go to college." If I can do it then you can too. It's important that we set high standards for our children. As parents we lead by examples. Whoooo..... okay I feel much better now. I guess I will stop writing on my blog and get back to work. I hope you ladies decide to follow me and that you decide to create your own blog so I can follow you too. We need each other so we can get through every day. :)


Today is the beginning of the rest of your life!

That's what my English teacher used to tell us. Funny how I remember that from time to time. I think it means that every day we wake up we have an opportunity to add something new to our lives. To re create ourselves. I am grateful for that because I have day's when I just want to be different. Change is great! I love to change things that can be changed. Weather it is decorating a room or changing my attitude. Just like our pastors says change is not change until you change. So today is the beginning of the rest of your life. What are you going to do about it?